3.1 mn jobs shortfall in cybersecurity globally, skill shortage hits India firms badly

An estimated 3.14 million professionals are needed to fill the global workforce gap in cybersecurity globally, and in India, skills shortages have contributed to critical IT jobs not being filled, increasing cyber risks to organizations such as breaches, a report warns. Tuesday.

About 92 percent of Indian organizations experienced cyber breaches in 2022, underlining the urgent need for training in cybersecurity skills, according to a report by cybersecurity firm Fortinet.

The Global Cybersecurity Skills Gap Report 2023 also found that 24 percent of Indian organizations had experienced five or more breaches.

“The report shows that more than 80 percent of respondents find it difficult to hire certified professionals, which puts organizations at risk. To strengthen their security postures and stay ahead of the growing cyber threat landscape, it is essential for organizations to prioritize cyber security training,” said Vishak Raman, Vice President of Sales. India, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and Southeast Asia in Fortinet:

One implication of this is that many short-staffed cybersecurity teams are overburdened and stressed as they try to keep up with thousands of daily threat alerts and try to properly manage disparate solutions to protect an organization’s devices and data.

Additionally, as a result of IT jobs being filled due to lack of cyber skills, the report also found that 84 percent of organizations in India indicate that they face additional cyber risks.

Nearly half of organizations in India (among those surveyed) suffered breaches in the past 12 months that cost more than $1 million to fix, which is up from 38 percent of organizations compared to last year’s report.

“At the same time, 69 per cent of Indian organizations expect the number of cyber attacks to increase over the next 12 months, further complicating the need to fill critical online positions to help strengthen organisations’ security postures,” the report added.