SEA pegs mustard production at 111.83 lakh tonnes

The Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEA) forecasts mustard production at 111.83 thousand tons (litres) for the 2022-23 season.

In his monthly message to SEA members in India on Monday, Ajay Jhunjhunwala, President of SEA, said RMSI Cropanalytics Pvt Ltd, which carried out an estimate of rape mustard for 2022-23 in March, estimated the total crop at 115.25 litres. . He pointed out that the unseasonal rains during the month of March affected the crop, and said that the adjusted and final yield of the crop was estimated at 111.83 liters.

Prices are lower than MSP

Expressing concerns about mustard prices ruling below the MSP (Minimum Support Price), he said the price of mustard currently rules at $5,100 quintals in the Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) yards. However, farmers receive only $4,600-$4,700 quintals on hand after deducting the APMC yard tax and other fees. APMC’s yard prices for mustard continue to reign below the MSP of 5,450 quintals for the season despite the government’s move to purchase oilseeds from farmers.

Stating that the government aims to increase mustard production in the country to 200 liters by 2025-26, he said the center has increased mustard MSP by more than Rs 1,000 per quintal over the past four years. In addition, the rise in crop prices during the sowing period encouraged farmers to expand the area under the mustard. “Unfortunately, at harvest time, the price has fallen far below the average average price. Farmers are reluctant to sell at such low prices and are very discouraged. This may lead to less space under soybeans in the fall season and mustard in the spring season “.

He hoped that government agencies such as Nafed and Hafid would intensify their purchases of mustard seeds at MSP and create a stockpile for any possible event due to El Niño affecting the oilseed crop.

El Nino chances

The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted a moderate El Nino decreasing monsoon rains in India this year. The US Climate Prediction Center predicted a 60 percent chance of El Niño during May and July and increasing to 70 percent during June and August. He said this could affect the production of maize, soybean and rice in India.

In the castor crop survey, he said AgriWatch conducted a castor crop survey on behalf of the association. The first estimate of 19.63 liters was reached during the end of January, and was presented at the Castor Conference. The estimate has been revised downward to 19.06 liters in March.

Noting that AgriWatch had submitted the final report, he said the total castor crop in India was estimated at 18.81 liters for 2022-23 as against 16.94 liters in the previous year.