NTT launches data centre campus, a new subsea cable system in Chennai

NTT Ltd. is set to invest. Global IT Infrastructure and Services Corp. is building a $300 million pipeline into its data center campus in Chennai, launching its latest facility and landing a new cable undersea in the city on Thursday.

The Japan-based company has opened its ‘Chennai 2’ campus located in Ambator, an industrial suburb of Chennai. It is connected to the MIST subsea cable, the first cable system of the NTT Group to provide direct connectivity to and from India. The company said MIST is the first 12-fiber cable system — capable of transmitting data at more than 200 terabits per second — to land in India.

The data center campus is spread over 6 acres with a total planned capacity of 34.8 megawatts (MW) of critical IT load from two data center buildings. The first facility with a capacity of 17.4 MW has commenced operations. This investment is part of NTT’s $2 billion investment in India announced in 2020.

With the launch of the Chennai Data Center Campus 2, NTT’s data center footprint in the country has grown to 16 facilities, spread over 3.1 million square feet. The company’s data center now has a capacity of 205 megawatts of IT capacity.

NTT said Chennai’s strategic location can meet the demand for quality data center infrastructure to serve both traditional and new economic businesses. The second is to position Chennai as a Disaster Recovery (DR) location for companies with basic IT infrastructure in other Indian cities. And third, leverage global connectivity to deliver data center capacity to markets in Southeast Asia such as Singapore where capacity is in short supply,” the company said in a statement.

The new submarine cable has been constructed by consortium members including NTT Communications India Network Service Pte. Ltd. and Orient Link Pte. Ltd. It spans 8,100 km and will connect Malaysia, India, Singapore and Thailand, providing well-developed connectivity capabilities.

“India is an important market for us and home to a large portion of this global capacity. Going forward, our investment roadmap in India includes multiple data center campuses, renewable energy plants, subsea cables, and more. said Sharad Sanghi, Chairman of the Board of Directors. NTT Global Data Centers & Cloud Infrastructure India Pvt: “We are committed to empowering India’s digital landscape and are excited to embark on this transformational journey.” Ltd.