Kochi tea prices flat despite Iraq, Tunisian buyers perking up purchase

Tea prices stabilized at Kochi auctions despite improvements in Iraqi and Tunisian buyers of traditional leaves.

In Sale 19, the quantity offered of conventional papers was 2,51,121 kilograms and the turnover was 92 per cent. Traders say that one exporter alone bought more than 1,000 kilograms, including almost all kinds of tea other than the high-priced varieties. However, they expect a decrease in purchases from Kochi in the coming weeks mainly due to improved access to tea at Kolkata auctions. Besides, the widespread rains in the tea-growing regions of South India are expected to improve the availability of the drink in other auction centers.

Auctioneers Forbes, Ewart and Figgis said the market for the best selection of Nilgiri products was strong to the most expensive. Secondary brokers from all sectors have seen a strong advantage and have been appreciated in terms of value.

Fair request on CTC

The CTC sheet had a fair demand as 82 per cent of the 27,500 kg offered was sold. Buyers in Kerala and the country absorbed a small amount.

However, the CTC dust market was ₹2-4 kg lower and saw a lot of withdrawals after quality. Mixers are still active in the fine liquor lines and together they accounted for 69 per cent of the quantity supplied of 7,70,581 kg. However, sales were only 83 percent due to weak demand from bulk tea dealers. Demand for exports was confined to the bottom of the market. Average price realization decreased by 2 rupees per kg at 137 rupees.

In the traditional dust, the quantity offered was only 500 kg and 100 percent sold out.