Karnataka farmers forced to skip moong this kharif on rain deficit

Farmers in Karnataka have missed the sowing window for sowing Greengram (moong) in the current crop season in Khareef as the monsoon failed to make headway in the major producing areas in the northern parts of the state. Karnataka is the second largest producer of green gram after Rajasthan in the Khareef season.

Mung is largely sown in the rainfed areas of the state, especially in the northern districts of Gadg, Dharwad, Ledgir etc. Sowing usually takes place between 15th May and 15th June.

Only 0.66 lakh hectares of moong was sown in this fall season till June 22 as compared to 2.53 lakh hectares in the same period last year according to the latest data of Karnataka Ministry of Agriculture. The state was targeting an area of ​​3.99 thousand hectares in the fall season.

Farmers have lost their green sowing season due to lack of rain, so far. “There has been sporadic sowing in some areas where farmers have irrigation facilities or have received some rain,” said L.G.Hirgodar, ICAR-K Head Patel Krishi Vigyan Kendra in Holkoti, near Gadag, the largest producing area in the state.


Karnataka has seen a 66 percent monsoon shortfall, so far, this year, while inland north Karnataka the shortfall is higher at 68 percent. The pre-monsoon period was also in deficit. “It is strange that there was no rain before this year’s windy season,” he said. The pre-monsoon deficit in Gadag was 39 percent, while the neighboring districts of North Karnataka also saw shortages.

“Farmers will now have to look forward to planting other crops such as groundnuts, hail or onions, if it rains in the coming days until mid-July.” He said.

Commercial sources said that sowing green gram after the sowing period will only lead to vegetative growth and yield loss. The sources said that the significant shortage of sowing led to a steady trend in prices, as they rose by about 10 percent.

“Farmers are waiting for the rains to arrive to gorge on the seeds of the autumn legume. With the rains not arriving on time, farmers have missed out on sowing Greengram in the state,” said Basavaraj Engin, President of the Karnataka Pradesh Red Gram Growers Association in Kalaburgi.