CMFRI to offer technical support to harvest Kerala’s select trawl fishery 

In a major bid to boost seafood exports from India, ICAR’s Central Institute of Marine Fisheries Research will provide technical support to promote sustainable harvesting of 11 selected shrimp and cephalopod trawl fish resources in Kerala, at the request of the Seafood Exporters Association of India ).

The institute is carrying out a consulting research project aimed at evaluating the performance of healthy and fish stocks for kiddie shrimp (Karikadi), flower-tail shrimp (Boufalan), Red Sea ring shrimp, nylon shrimp, deep-sea unfinished shrimp, squid, squid, octopus, tape fish and two types of bream.

A Memorandum of Understanding in this regard was signed by A Gopalakrishnan, Director of CMFRI, and AJ Tharakan of SEAI.

sustainable fisheries

The advisory project aims to achieve a large number of objectives, including setting target fisheries management levels for these species, reporting incidents of sawfish, guitarfish and baby sharks in Kerala trawl fisheries, and providing indicative management procedures.

“As global seafood consumers shift towards making informed, healthy and sustainable choices, it becomes even more critical that seafood originates from sustainable fisheries,” said Gopalakrishnan, Director of CMFRI. Improved management programs will enable the marine fisheries sector to gain greater access to seafood markets around the world.

The project will focus on applying appropriate models tailored to the life history patterns of the selected species and enhancing the existing database on bycatch.