CAGs of India, Chile sign MoU to support capacity building

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance institutional and professional capabilities and learn from each other’s best practices. The MoU was signed in Santiago, Chile, on Tuesday.

The two sides agreed to support capacity building, exchange methodologies in public auditing, and implement training programs in their countries under the new agreement.

The agreement was formally signed by Girish Chandra Mormo, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, and Jorge Bermudez Soto, Comptroller General of the Republic of Chile.

Mormo, who is currently on an official visit to Chile, said that this is the right time to usher in a new phase of collaborative engagement and strengthen bilateral cooperation with the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Chile. He said that the SAI in India is committed to working closely with the SAI in Chile while assuring them of their support and commitment to concerted capacity development initiatives and the exchange of knowledge and information.

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He said that the MoU reaffirms the values ​​and goals both SAIs have shared over a long period, and the strong ties that exist between the two countries.

Mormo said that this development will open many opportunities for knowledge and experience exchange between SAIs and promote new cooperation and friendship between the two SAIs.