Tata AIA Introduces Digital Payment Solutions via WhatsApp and UPI
Tata AIA Life Insurance has announced new forms of digital payments through WhatsApp and Unified Payments Interface (UPI), according to a tweet from the company.
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First, the Tata AIA digital payment system is an easy way for all age groups. Tata AIA will now allow its customers to pay insurance premiums digitally without hassle and receive confirmation confirmation instantly.
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To take advantage of this feature, the customer must open WhatsApp and launch a file Life Insurance Tata AIA conversation. After that, send “Hi” to move on.
Note, one must have a policy registered with Tata AIA and a valid mobile number associated with WhatsApp.

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Tata AIA Life has made it possible to renew premium policies through several digital modes and five integrated languages - English, Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati and Bengali.