Public-Private participation essential for milk self-sufficiency: Minister Chinchurani

Emphasizing the indispensable role of the public and private sectors in ensuring Kerala’s self-sufficiency in milk production, Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development J Chinchurani said the role of co-operatives is an integral part of the mission.

She said after opening the ‘Layam 2023’ business council meeting organized by the company Kerala Feeds Limited (KFL).

“It is for this purpose that we have gathered at this event, which should also bring private KFL dealers to milk industryThe minister recalled at the opening session of the event, which lasted all day.

The minister also revealed that the Kerala government is moving ahead with its moves for legislation to ensure fully unadulterated feed for livestock in order to check the influx of low quality feed into the state.

Also read: UP Govt is asking its NDDB chapter to partner with 1.50 female dairy farmers

The Conclave was also honored Dairy growers and traders Awards were given to the chairpersons and secretaries of self-owned primary dairy cooperatives.

Noting that lower production costs could help make dairy farming profitable, Chinchurani said that forage grass would be popularized and efforts were underway to bring silage (pickled forage grass) from Andhra Pradesh.

“One way to make the dairy industry profitable is to promote Milma’s products,” she said. We have already started programs to open Milma kiosks in schools. This is also a measure to check for increase drug abuse among children. “

Representative Jayaram, who is a brand ambassador for the KFL, said that a dairy farmer is a status that can be equated with God. “My reputation for keeping cows earns me great respect from the Telugu, Kannada and Tamil film industries.” If you are eager to become something, you will achieve it. This is the lesson I learned in the quest to become a dairy farmer. “

Also read: Dairy farmers in Telangana suffer from high cost of production

KFL President K. Sreekumar said PSU has steadily helped prepare dairy farmers for any challenges. “We are socially committed and constantly working for rural development,” he added.

KFL General Manager B. Salt. Srikumar highlights the role of PSU in reducing the price hike of cattle feed. “The dairy farmers in KFL and Kerala depend on each other,” he said. “During the 2018 floods and the covid crisis that followed, KFL worked tirelessly to alleviate the problems of dairy farmers in the state, thanks also to our passionate staff.”

KFL manufactures products for different breeds of cows with the aim of keeping them in good health and ensuring better milk yield and quality.