Periodic review likely of PSBs, CPSEs employees

In a move that may cause consternation, Public Sector Undertakings and Public Sector Banks are likely to do the periodic review of their employees and report on monthly basis. This is based on new instructions issued by Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) to Central Ministries and Departments.

“The Ministries/Departments are requested to take immediate action to identify the employees due for review under relevant provisions of Fundamental/Pension Rules and ensure that their cases are expeditiously submitted for consideration before the duly constituted Review Committee as per extant instructions. Further, all Ministries/Departments are also requested to direct the Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)/Banks, Autonomous Institutions and Statutory bodies under their administrative control to undertake the exercise of periodic review of employees under the relevant provisions,” an Office Memorandum dated June 27 by DoPT said.

“This is to ensure that the employees with doubtful integrity or found to be ineffective are not allowed to continue in Government,” it said. The OM further urged submission of monthly report on action taken by 15th of every month from July.

For officers and employees of Central Government, there is a provision for pre-mature retirement (popularly known as Compulsory Retirement Scheme or CRS). While Rule 56 J&I of Fundamental Rules prescribes mechanism for government servants in Group A, B and C category, Rule 48 of CCS Pension Rules is meant for other government servants.

Under these rules, the government may, at any time after a Government servant has attained the age of 50/55 years or completed 30 years of service, retire him pre-maturely in public interest.  The employees will get three month notice period or three months of pay and allowance. A review committee considers cases and suggests name based on various parameters mainly doubtful integrity and ineffective.  

It is not clear from the latest OM that whether the mechanism applicable for Central government officers and employees will be the same for officers and employees. businessline talked to PSUs and banks to find the present practice. “In PSUs, there is health check-up of the employee once he attains 50 years, but that has nothing to do with his or her continuity in the job. It is just a routine thing,” a senior official of a prominent CPSE said. Further, he added that action against an officer or employee can be initiated any time.

An HR official of a big public sector bank said, ” There is provision of health check-up of every employee who completes  30 years or after the age of 55, whichever is earlier. But this has nothing to do with his or her retirement.”

If any employee is found involved in suspicious activity, she/he is not given any sensitive posting, he added.

CPSE and PSB officials said they have not received any instruction based on new DoPT OM yet.