Go for short-duration crops: Telangana Agri Varsity

With the absence of monsoons, delaying the rains by about two weeks, Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) Professor Jayashankar Telangana has asked farmers to go for short-term rice varieties. They wanted growers to choose varieties with 125 days of life or less.

It also called on farmers to go for direct sowing instead of following the traditional practices of nursery planting and sowing.

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PJTSAU Director P Raghurami Reddy assured the farmers that there is enough time to sow other crops such as cotton, red stone, maize, soybeans and pulses. We have until July 20th to sow cotton and until July 15th to sow maize and pulses. Red gram, which can be grown as an indoor crop, can be sown until August 15th. Similarly, sunflower growers can wait until July 31st.

Citing weather, he said rains were expected in the state in the next few days.

Farmers were upset

Farmers, who do not have guaranteed irrigation facilities, are very worried as the rains have been delayed this year. Encouraged by good prices, they wanted to greatly increase the area of ​​cotton. They have cultivated the fiber crop in more than 2 hectares.

Meanwhile, the seed pot growers in Mahbubnagar district want the government to come to their rescue and compensate the losses they sustained in the virus attack. They pointed out that the viral attacks damaged the seed crop in an area of ​​16,000 to 20,000 hectares, and said that the government should provide them with insurance cover.