Farmers body SKM to organise protests, unlikely to follow 2020 model of march to Delhi

The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), an umbrella organisation of farm unions that led the 2020-21 farmers’ protest but has been split now, on Thursday announced that it will resume its agitation that was halted after the withdrawal of three controversial farm laws. However, it was indicated that the SKM may not organise any march to Delhi.

The announcement was made a day after the SKM general body met, This coincided with the Punjab and Haryana High Court order asking the Haryana government to remove blockades on the Punjab-Haryana borders that disallowed protesting farmers of Punjab to march to Delhi. As a result, the other group of farmers, under the SKM (non-political) banner, has been protesting at two border points on the Punjab side of the border since February.

The SKM leaders have announced that they will be focussing on nationwide protests, particularly in assembly election-bound states such as Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Haryana. “The same method of protest does not have to be used every time. We will hold protests across the country,” said Hannan Mollah of All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS).


The leaders told media that appointments would be sought to meet the Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposition and MPs of both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha during July 16-18. Their aim is to present a memorandum outlining their demands.

The General Body of SKM approved a charter of demands that include ensuring a legally guaranteed minimum support price (MSP) based on the “C2+50 per cent” formula with assured procurement for all crops, no privatisation of the power sector and no implementation of prepaid smart meters, compensation to all the families of those who died during the farmers’ movement and withdrawal of all cases related to the 2020 farmers’ agitation against (now repealed) farm laws.

The SKM has also sought comprehensive insurance coverage for all crops, a monthly pension of ₹10,000 for all farmers and agricultural workers and implementation of the land acquisition law of 2013.