CREDUCE, Gujarat Ecology Commission ink pact to monitor mangrove habitat plantation

CREDUCE, a carbon credits builder and offsetting solutions provider, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Gujarat State Environment Commission for a project-based activity on monitoring mangrove plantations.

The strategic partnership aims to preserve mangrove forests and restore 10,000 hectares of coastal areas in Gujarat.

As part of the collaboration, CREDUCE will provide advisory services for the development, monitoring and trading of carbon credits for project activities. The company will leverage its experience and expertise in nature-based solutions to ensure the successful implementation of this project.

This will positively impact the environment and provide carbon credits to local communities, said a media release.

The first step towards saving

Quoting Shailendra Singh Rao, founder of CREDUCE, a statement said, “Protecting our biodiversity is our priority, and we are proud to partner with the government in its initiatives. With the central government adding to Bharat’s success in afforestation by introducing the Mangrove Coastal Habitat and Tangible Income Initiative (MISHTI) to Its budget, the intent is clear. Forward-looking states like Gujarat have taken the first step towards conservation and restoration, and we intend to assist such positive initiatives by helping them achieve as many environmental benefits as possible.”

Gujarat is rich in mangrove cover, which has continuously increased by two and a half times in the past two decades, said Mahesh Singh, member and secretary of the Gujarat Environment Commission. “We can confidently boast that we have the second largest after Sundarbans in Bharat. With the support of central government initiatives and positive political outlook, we have started the process of restoring, conserving and cultivating habitats and hope to become the largest in the country.