Centre to disburse ₹18,128 crore in five years under PM SHRI scheme

The center will disburse ₹18,128 crore to schools as its share under the PM SHRI (PM Schools for Rising India) scheme. The disbursement will take place over a five-year period from 2022-23 to 2026-27. PM SHRI is a centrally sponsored scheme worth Rs 27,360 crore, most of which will be contributed by the center, while the remaining Rs 93,232 crore will be contributed by the states.

The Union Cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday approved the PM SHRI (PM ScHools for Rising India) Schools Scheme. Schools include Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas, and state-run schools.

development and promotion

According to Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Education Minister, the scheme will target the development of more than 14,500 schools across the country. Schools will be selected for development and upgrading through some predetermined criteria and established criteria. An ‘objective assessment’ will be conducted to ensure that two schools are identified at block levels.

These PM SHRI schools will be presenting all the components of the National Education Policy 2020, serving as examples and also providing guidance to other schools in their vicinity. PM SHRI Schools will provide quality education for the cognitive development of students and will strive to create and nurture well rounded and outstanding individuals.”

Pradhan added that each PM SHRI model school will be allocated ₹ 2 crore over a two-year period for the upgrade and the school authorities will have “flexibility to use up to 40 per cent of the funds as per their requirements.”

PM SHRI schools are expected to cover 20 students; They will be technology-driven, have digital learning tools including advanced tools, 3D labs, consider apprenticeships and will focus on driving entrepreneurial ideas. The minister added that the performance of schools and their students will also be followed up using the online portal.