Apollo Tyres to source 100% of its natural rubber from firms committed to sustainability guidelines

Apollo Tires now sources 100 percent of its natural rubber supply from companies that have committed to sustainability throughout its supply chain, in compliance with the Code of Conduct set by the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR).

The new initiative, which recently became fully operational and is part of Apollo Tires’ global sustainability strategy, applies to the supply of natural rubber to the company’s two European production facilities in the Netherlands and Hungary.

The new commitment has already led to significant changes in Apollo Tires’ European supply chain, as the company has entered into new natural rubber supply agreements with companies that have sustainable or traceable supply policies.

As a result, all tires produced at Apollo Tires facilities in Europe will now be made with natural rubber sourced from suppliers who adhere to the GPSNR policy framework – avoiding unsustainable practices that may negatively affect the climate, wildlife, human rights and local economies.

High demand

“Global demand for tires is rising, driven by increased vehicle sales and growth in passenger services, and we are determined to ensure that we – and the suppliers we rely on – grow in a sustainable way,” says Benoit Rivalante, President and CEO of Apollo Tires Europe. “Natural rubber is an environmentally friendly raw material, but only if it is sustainably sourced. Our mission is to work with companies across the value chain to ensure complete transparency and help the tire industry manage its environmental and societal impacts.”

Founded in 2018, GPSNR is an international, multi-stakeholder, voluntary membership organization with a mission to drive improvements in the social, economic and environmental impact of the natural rubber value chain. The organization has more than 200 members representing more than 55 percent of the global natural rubber value chain, including tire makers, automakers and raw material producers.