Adverse weather in growing regions hit tea arrivals in Coonoor auctions 

Unfavourable weather conditions in growing regions have hit tea arrivals to Coonoor auctions and traders maintain that the trend is likely to continue for some more time.

At the same time, they pointed out that rising export enquiries for orthodox grades led to higher sales percentage (sale no. 48) which witnessed a slight improvement in prices.

Global Tea Auctioneers said the quantity offered in leaf grades was 16,19,278 kg with a sales of 89 per cent. The offered quantities in dust was 4,31,968 kg with a sales 85 per cent.

In CTC leaf, the high-priced better liquoring sorts were occasionally dearer by ₹1 to 2 and more in line with quality. The better medium sorts were barely steady and were lower by ₹1 to 2 with some withdrawals. The mediums and plainer sorts bolder grades had fair demand and sold fully firm to dearer by ₹1 to 2.

In leaf orthodox, the primary whole leaf grades were barely steady to dearer by ₹2 to 3 in line with quality, occasionally some lots sold easier by ₹3 to 4 also.

The high-priced and better liquoring sorts in CTC dust sold dearer by ₹3 to 4 and more at times in line with quality. The better medium sorts were barely steady around last levels.

The primary orthodox dust grades were lower by ₹6 to 8 and more at times. The secondaries and finer dust were easier by ₹1 to 2 with some withdrawals.