AKBEF extend solidarity to striking Federal Bank employees union 

All Kerala Bank Employees Federation (AKBEF) has requested the Federal Bank management to hold discussions with their employees union to resolve the issues and demands raised.

B. Ramprakash, general secretary, AKBEF said that Federal Bank Employees Union has been on the agitational path during the recent months demanding filling up of vacancies, scrapping of contract labour and outsourcing , withdrawal of transfers violating policies etc. AKBEF fully support the agitation and demands raised by FBEU, he said.

He pointed out that the branches of Federal Bank has been expanded by 20 per cent during the last five years and net profit have gone up by 141 per cent. But commensurate with growth in branches and business, the workforce strength has not increased, adversely affecting customer service and negatively impacting work-life balance of employees.

AKBEF has also proposed to carry out a march to Federal Bank head office on September 28 to express solidarity of its members for the ongoing agitation.