Storage improves in 7 States but level still below 10-year average

The water storage level in the major 150 reservoirs in India declined this week too, though seven States witnessed some recovery with rains lashing across many parts of the country, particularly peninsular South.

According to the Weekly Bulletin on Live Storage issued by the Central Water Commission, 40 of these reservoirs had storage of  50 per cent of their capacity or below with 16 of them having 50 per cent below normal levels.

Cyclone over Bay

As of November 30, the level in these major reservoirs was 116.571 billion cubic metres (BCM) or 65 per cent of the live storage capacity of 178.784 BCM. This is lower than last year as well as the last 10 years average. 

The current storage level in the major reservoirs is of concern but hopes hinge on the north-east monsoon turning more active this week and a cyclone developing over the Bay of Bengal during the weekend. A cyclonic circulation over north-west India will also help to improve the storage in reservoirs. 

The current wet spell will likely improve the soil moisture and help rabi sowing and crops. Currently, the overall area under rabi crops was down by five per cent at 350 lakh hectares last week. 

5 filled to capacity

Among the States, the level in Tamil Nadu (36% versus 40% below normal), Kerala (11%  vs 14  below normal), Telangana (38% vs 31% above normal), Uttarakhand (8% above normal vs 7% above normal), Assam (21% vs 2% above normal), Punjab (4% above normal vs normal) and Himachal Pradesh (4% vs 3% above normal).

Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh were among the States where the level was below normal considerably. 

The bulletin said five storages were filled to capacity against six a week ago, while 17 had water over 91 per of their capacity (24 last week). The level was between 81 per cent and 90 per cent of the capacity in 33 (33) and between 71 per cent and 80 per cent in 25 (20). 

Region-wise, in the 10 reservoirs in the North the level was 70 per cent (72% last week) of the 19.663 BCM capacity.  The level in all was above 51 per cent but no storage was full.

In the eastern region, of the 20.430 BCM capacity, the storage in the 23 reservoirs was 14.515 BCM – 71 per cent (72%).  of total live storage capacity of these reservoirs.  Two of the reservoirs were full, while the level in five was below 40 per cent of the capacity.

Other regions

In the western region, the level in the 49 reservoirs declined to 80 per cent (86%) of the 37.130 BCM capacity. Two storages were full but another two had levels below 40 per cent. In 24 reservoirs, the level was above 81 per cent (19 last week).

In the central region, the level was 74 per cent (79% a week ago) of the 48.227 BCM capacity.  One  reservoir was filled to capacity, while the level in eight was below 40 per cent. The level dropped in Madhya Pradesh to 2 per cent (11%) higher than normal and in Chhattisgarh to 16 per cent below normal (15 % below normal).

In the South, the level was 43 per cent of the 53.334 BCM capacity – same as last week. No reservoir was full but six of the 42 reservoirs had over 91 per cent storage of the capacity against five last week, while the level in 13 was below 40 per cent of the capacity.